Community School Interviews
The Better the Question the Better the Story: Overcoming Challenges, Exploring New Possibilities -Helping youth explore how the wider world works
No book or video can touch a person as deeply as a speaker right in front of you, ready to answer your questions
.. grade 11 student
Community School Interviews is a registered charitable organization that provides youth a unique opportunity to develop their skills of personal inquiry while asking their own questions of intriguing guests from industry, community and business organizations.
The Community School Interviews Series come to teachers’ classrooms and takes place in the context of regular class outcomes. Assessment and evaluation of student involvement is built into the process.
View our 8 minute CSI documentary
Institute for Global Solutions 2019:
UVic Campus Conversations Spring 2019
Institute for Global Solutions 2016
Deborah Curran UVic Environmental Law Centre
Institute for Global Solutions, 2015
Arbutus Global Middle School 2014
Royal Oak Middle Schoo Fall 2013l
Royal Oak Middle School 2013
Arbutus Global Middle School: Sustainability in 2013 (including video of each interview)
Vic High: Tourism and Hospitality
Lansdowne Middle School: Enbridge and Tarsands: Pros and Cons
CSI at Creatures of Habitat 3
Updated June 4, 2017
The interview was really fun. I had a very good time and I learned many new things. I hope that there is going to be more of this type of activities like students for myself.
I hope that the green party will be able to get some seats in the house of commons the next time.
I also want to hope that Vic Derman can continue to succeed as a city counciller for Saanich.
I learned that it is better to transport on foot or bicycle. You could carpool if you are living farther away. Thankyou so much for coming to Arbutus I know that you are all very busy people I hope you enjoyed getting the interview as much as we enjoyed giving the interview
Sarah Webb- two ideas that stood out
-She told us that we had to work together to make our economy green.
-To make things green, it is not about getting everything100%, it is about trying to do everything I can do.