Feedback, learning from Anne-Marie
Please write at least five sentences about any or all of the following:
What stood out from this speaker?
What is one idea they mentioned that you’d like to explore further?
What’s a story they told that you liked?
In what ways was this speaker meaningful?
What surprised you?
Who do you know that would find this information helpful? Why?
James K.- Anne Marie was a confident speaker. She inspired me to follow, and reach for my dreams. She makes me wonder what inspired her to do all this? She is a very powerful speaker, which is why i liked her.
That she was a really confident speaker.
That she follow her dreams and does not stop till achieved.
She was meaningful in that she told use follow are dreams.
Anne-Marie Daniel surprised me by the way she ansered our questions because instead of the other 3 answering normally she answered with enthusiasm.
I liked her idea of levelling the playing field because that makes it more fair to the boss and the worker same as parent to child.
shes is a very fair person i can tell by the way she did leveling the playing field. she also is a person who reaches for the stars that what i like about her. -Alec R
What i liked about Anne Marie Daniel was that she never gave up on her dream. I think perserverance is a very importent feature in somebody. – Iman A.
i was inspired to keep drawing and not give up
camille jc