Questions for Mayor Dean Fortin
Liveable Cities – homelessness/affordable housing/transportation
City Services – what are cities core services – i.e. water, roads, etc.
Local Government – public consultation, access
Motivations, challenges and rewards of being on city council
Finding the time to make a difference.
What are you going to do about homelessness?
What is an average home price?
What are you doing about transportation? About people that need cars, need to get around?
What other forms of transportation are you thinking of putting in?
How do you spend your money carefully in the city?
Why didn’t you buy the bridge?
What was your reason to become the mayor?
What are you doing about city infrastructure?
What needs fixing (re: infrastructure)?
What are some/one of the challenges of being mayor?
What are some of the rewards of being mayor?
What keeps you going?
What motivated you to become the mayor?