What students say about Les Lengyel
Positive attitude is very important
The energy you put out is more important than how you look
Les had his arm attached to his stomach for about a month
Les had body guards he hired to take people out when he got bullied
When you think you got it bad think about people who have it worse
Think about what you can do not what you can’t do
If you think you have it bad there is someone who has it worse -2
He had his hand attached to his stomach for a month – 2
Think about what you can do not what you can’t do – 2
There is always someone smarter than you
Someone else has it worse – 3
Don’t give up, because when you feel like there is no chance you are at your weakest point
Learn to not care what people think. Be yourself and most of all be confident
I really liked how Les talked about confidence. It makes me think about if I am confident everything I do will turn out awesome
Not comparing yourself to other people
Positive attitude is very important
The energy you put out is more important than how you look – 2
His hand was attached to his stomach for a month – 3
Think what you can do not what you can’t do – 3
Think about what you can do not what you can’t do – 4