What students learned from Christopher Mellet
Christopher Mellet, Whale Boat Captain, Eagle Wing Tours View his interview
Christopher’s passion for travel has led him participate in international exchange programs both during high school and university while pursuing a business degree from UVic. He now speaks 4 languages and spent 5 years in Mexico managing a dive resort. For the past 5 years he has dedicated his energies to viewing and helping save the Southern Resident Killer Whales. His passion for the whales and customer service contribute to Eagle Wing’s ranking as the#1 whale watching company in Victoria.
Interview Themes:
Advantages and challenges of being carbon neutral
– doing the right thing (but also being unique)
– fighting green-washing
– fighting green-washing
Business skills in tourism
– competitive advantage
– the customer value proposition
– the customer value proposition
Becoming and staying #1 in your field
– what are you selling and how do you guarantee it?
– happy customers are loyal customers
– happy customers are loyal customers
Keeping it fresh, day after day.
– make every experience a unique experience
Christopher Mellet taught me about green-washing and how most bussnises that say they are being green actually aren’t.
As well to be aware of your money and to avoid being ripped off when traveling.
I also found it was very interesting that Eagle Wing Tours supports 1 persent for the planet.
Chris had lots of interesting things to say. I liked how he explained to us how tourists get ripped off when they go to foreign countries, especially the folding bills scheme. What was most memorable for me was learning the languages he can speak! Swedish is nothing like English to my knowlege. I really appreciate him taking the time out of his life to speak to us, thank you.
I learnt that you are really a nice person to protect whale and do this program.The company that work at donating 1%.It also helps reduce wildkillers.And it is interesting to name for these whales.
Hearing Christopher Mallet talking was very interesting to me because I have never been whale watching before. His stories about the whales and how he can idenify them was very interesting as well. That he works with other whale watching companies and how much of a guarantee his company has with seeing a whale makes me want to go whale watching. That you are actually able to adopt a whale is so cool that you are able to take care of animals that aren’t house hold animals.
I want to travel to the other country, so i learn some travel experence from Nikki. Like i can live in a hostal in the other country, that i can know many different people from the different country, and know different culture.