Royal Oak Middle – Fall 2013

Envisioning our future, investing in ourselves and our community. Who are we. Where we are going.
September 30-October 1, 2013

Christopher Naismith: Engineer, community organizer

Christopher is an Engineer and community organizer. He focuses his attention on energy issues from conservation to resource development policy. He strives to have the highest environmental impact I can through my work both professionally and within the community. Christopher’s ultimate goals are the reduction of greenhouse gasses and a creation of a livable environment.  <see recent ideas on video>< student feedback > <view his interview>


  • Career decisions and victories.
  • Balancing fatherhood and career
  • New ways of finding work
  • Making a difference for good cause
  • Being part of the solution for our environment


Amalia Schelhorn: Dancer, teacher and choreographer

Amalia Schelhorn, 1st Soloist, National Ballet of Canada  A graduate of Toronto’s National Ballet School, Amalia spent most of her decade-long performing career touring North America and Europe with the National Ballet of Canada. She was the first member to be promoted directly from the corps to the rank of first soloist. Her repertoire encompassed solo roles in many of the great classic and contemporary ballets. After a period of freelancing in operas, modern dance and jazz, Amalia and her husband moved to Vancouver Island to raise their four children. She has taught young dancers from Courtney to Victoria, many of whom have gone on to major professional schools in Canada and New York City. Amalia is an incredibly creative, award winning choreographer and provides a highly nurturing, positive learning environment for her students. She is currently a teacher at Dansko Studios and Chair of Dance at the Canadian College of Performing Arts.  < view a sample of her  choreography>  < Student feedback> <view her interview>


  • Standing out in your field
  • Creating a vision for yourself
  • Talent is over rated..
  • How you spend your time
  • Viewing competition in a new way
  • Appreciating our bodies as a gift


Monique Gray Smith: Consultant and speaker

Monique Gray Smith, the Founder of Little Drum Consulting has an exceptional capacity to walk in many lands. As an Aboriginal woman she sensitively interprets First Nation sensibilities and gives us context specific information.  Her experience working with governments and in the field of early childhood development make her an exceptional communicator between not for profits and government. She is well trusted and respected by the business community, the Aboriginal community, government and not for profits such as Roots of Empathy. Monique’s history of heading up  Aboriginal Head Start in BC, her leadership position on Boards, her long history of community development and her reputation for building peace bridges is well known.  < Monique on video> <Student feedback>< view her interview>



  • Helping people heal their pasts
  • The shift that’s taking place in people
  • Resilience… bouncing back from challenges
  • Working and speaking internationally