Classroom Moments
The inspired voices of teachers everywhere are some of the most significant influences of our time, and in a myriad of ways they are empowering children and youth to create a better world.
Generally teaching is one of the most private acts, and most of the public has little idea of the ‘moments’ the shifts, accomplishments, transformations that take place in the classrooms, let alone the demands and challenges taken on by teachers day to day. Classroom Moments featured in The Tyee
Classroom Moments is here to expand the conversation about learning in our classrooms and beyond, to share those moments that stand out yet are often never shared.
We hope you enjoy the Classroom Moments teachers have shared on this playlist.
If you have a classroom moment to share, either written or video, or would like to have it recorded please use the reply box below to share or contact me.
For many teachers sharing a moment that stands out in their experience with the general public can be a challenge. Years of experience as a story catcher enables me to help frame and draw out those stories in a relaxed and enjoyable and succinct manner.
Christopher Bowers