Teaching for Life
Most of us spend 12-13 years in public school. The government keeps changing the curriculum. Brent Reid, a master teacher, went to high school reunions during his career and asked students what did they learn in school that was useful, and what was useless, in their careers. What would you say to that great question?
I’m glad that I can read and do math. Wish I had learned more about food and financial management.
Just returned from my high school 40th reunion. We all shared how we seemed to have learned about the importance of equal treatment. In a small town cliques are killers. Poverty is obvious and cannot be ignored. I have carried that forward.
Where did your journalism students end up?
It’s not a straight cause and effect dynamic. The journalism course merely provided students with a timely opportunity to discover their true career interest, set goals, and identify and practice the skills necessary for success, including research, interviewing, writing, planning, meeting deadlines, building relationships, teamwork, giving and receiving useful feedback, and being reliable. Through their talent and hard work several went on to careers in newspaper journalism, photography, broadcast, education, the arts, information technology, politics, marketing, community development, and other fields in which clear communication is crucial.