Local Action

“Conversation with Strangers” is our latest project. This is a workshop on campus in the Multifaith Centre on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 4:30. There are questions and skills that really help conversations take off. I wrote the book on this ” Hi! Conversation Changes Lives”
Come and meet new people, learn some new skills and see how you can use this no matter where you go and who you are.
Intro Conversations with Strangers session:
I run a weekly workshop on campus called “Conversations with Strangers” on Tuesdays from 3:30 – 4:30. I teach people to be “travelers” not “tourists” in their own town.
Skills and practices to be a traveler:
See that person as interesting and capable.
Ask what you’re actually curious about.
Pay attention like you cared.
Leave people wanting more.
Sample question:
What stood out in your day so far?
Questions? Send me a message @uviccaringproject
or info@conversationworks.ca
Caring on Campus
Please look for examples of caring on campus or in your community. Write about what you saw, and if possible include a picture or a video, which can be shared with us. Post these on our instagram, UVicCaringProject, or Web page, or Facebook Group
A proposed month-long campaign for some point: students, and staff and faculty could enter a number of draws by posting a ‘caring moment’ they observed, on our instagram account., Web page, or Facebook Group
We will approach campaign partners who would like to support ‘caring on campus’ and thus be featured as campaign supporters on our Wheel of Caring logo [ to be developed]
Invite a UVic Caring Project speaker to your department meeting, or coffee meetup. Find out what the UVicCaringProject might add to your class or field work
Contact us for a further exploration about The UVic Caring Project. We’d love to hear your questions.
What’s the difference between The Caring Project and Random Acts of Kindness?
How can I learn more about this?
I’m super busy, how can I make time for this?
Where can I learn how to have caring conversations?
Updated 9/08/22