Feedback to Power of Personal Story
Turning to One Another – Stepping Out Feedback Sheet Summary
What benefit
-It feels comforting and safe –
-I want to come back
– Great to have deep conversations
– The sense of community created is a place to find your strength
– The uplifting power of other women
-making a wonderful connection with great women
An interesting question
what do you do each day to stay & live in the moment?
How to stay balanced yet enthused
What’s a strategic withdrawal?
How do others deal with guilt?
What is the most effective niche to fill in this activity?
How do you find contentment? Find it in everything you do.
How do you develop, be creative, in with your dreams and focus them at the same time? Are you not limiting your dream already?
How do you meet key people?
What do you want?
What would be possible if you took your filters off?
-Patience is not empty it is inner certain
How/where to find courage
“limited imagination about failure”
What is passion
What effect being passionate has on your daily expereinces
An idea you’d like to use
-Connection/metaphor “transition is like travel”
– adapting to your environment
-put out joyfulness
-be like water, go around
-if you are a squirrel let yourself be one
-step back when feeling shrill
-social capital acts as a safety net women do it well
-build your tribe
-be content with who you are
– where am I in the eco system of life?
– Serendipity – in meeting people and materials
-put out joyfulness I think this means expect the best
-Idea of gathering mentors, as a virtual circle of complementing expertise for what one is working on
– Floating their concerns down a stream on a leaf, great metaphor!
– I can schedule in quiet/creative activities into my schedule
-When you are traveling you are freed up & it puts you in the moment
-Happiness is a form of courage
– Being with the dream and letting it take me, the focus will emerge
– Staying big letting the process of change refine & trusting it will
– the time in between the trapezes
– Put things in storage, take off have laptop courage
-Circle of mentors
-Create parallel systems
-seeing your world as an ecosystem
– to approach the universe with joyfulness
– to put it out there
– limit my idea for failure
What did you learn about yourself/others?
-Learned how much I can learn from deep listening and asking questions
-people wanting to follow their passion/find their passion
– I am on the right path & it feels fantastic
– Its relaxing to be heard and to listen
– Writing things down clears the chaos
-The ecosystem analogy is a great one
-the world needs butterflies, not everyone is a spotted owl, celebrate what you are
-trust we are wrestle with the same issues
– I need to consider the power in acknowledging my fears
– Taking the filters off allows authenticity
– New ideas, new direction
– a reminder that our struggles are common, as women our issues are the same
– how many like minded strong interesting positive women are in my community
What grounds for hope
– follow your passion
Ideas from and for everyone!
Can be content is being who I really am,” if a butterfly” and recognize the world needs more butterflies
I was able to find some peace of mind for an evening, got me rebalanced
What follow up step
-finding ways to follow my passion
– write a paragraph to myself and check in with myself
-reconnect with those
– writing and accepting oneself
-want to return!
-stay involved
What segment spoke to you
I discovered again that women are fabulous beings. I love listening and connecting, contributing and being here.
All the stories…
Briony was great!
Every conversation was impactful
The chance to bear all and get positive feedback