The What’s Gone Well Today ® Deck

Tools to Connect and Engage [view users talking about the cards]  

Taking a Risk

The What’s Gone Well Today® cards are designed to help people quickly connect and engage in deeper conversation. As there is often a disconnect between people in our communities, and organizations, there is distinct advantage to have people who can quickly connect with others. Folks in many organizations have difficulty in asking the right questions, the questions that develop and strengthen relationships so crucial to business, social enterprise and effective human resource management. WGWT offers powerful tools to help people connect and engage at multiple levels, for multiple purposes.
Organizations wishing to use the cards may sign up for an introductory workshop to understand how to best use these powerful, research-based tools .

Our aim is to help individuals be more reflective and organizations more empathetic. The 19 metaphors provide users with choices on what level or aspect of empathy they want to work with, develop or strengthen.

Have you ever noticed that asking the right questions is more important than having the right answers? In fact, quality of life is shaped by the quality of questions we ask ourselves and others. New challenges demand new questions and fresh conversations.

Success in all realms (personal, professional, community) is tied to asking breakthrough questions. Innovation often begins with a breakthrough conversation. Asking a great question is like turning on a tap. The ideas flow, we become curious, and we start to think on a new level.
Quite simply, you have the opportunity to change your success in business, personal life and community life by thinking about questions in a new way.
Great open ended questions can transform your conversations, a relationship, your organization and your experience.

We’ve drawn on some major thinkers like Covey, Glasser, Alder and Senge, Jaworski, Flowers & Scharmer as well as on the Noetic Institute researchers Schlitz, Vieten and Amorok and Paul Gossen at Business Transformed.

Making it work:

Start by asking yourself the questions on the cards. They may be challenging but the insights received will be revealing, and are the best preparation for using the cards with others.
$15 + shipping
for $25  card deck plus a one year subscription to featuring more themes and questions, and many more dynamic features.

Updated Sept 8, 2021